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Subscribe keywords and users.



Supported Formats


HTTP Request Method


Requires Login

See the Login and Authorization Mechanism Statement for login and authorization details.

Requests Count Limitation

Request all APIs:

    • 50000/hour/IP;

Request Parameters

  Requires Type and Range Description
source false string This parameter is not needed when using OAuth.The value of this parameter is the AppKey.
access_token false string This parameter is required when using OAuth.You will get the access_token after oauth authorization.
subid true int Subscription ID (See the specification for more information).
add_keywords false string Add keywords that will be subscribed. The keywords should be separated by semiangle comma, and are limited by 20 keywords per call.
del_keywords false string Delete keywords that have already been subscribed. The keywords should be separated by semiangle comma, and are limited by 20 keywords per call.
add_users false string Add userids that will be subscribed. The userids should be separated by semiangle comma, and are limited by 50 userids per call.
del_users false string Delete userids that have already been subscribed. The userids should be separated by semiangle comma, and are limited by 50 userids per call.


  • If just parameter ‘subid’ is passed, the subscription info included the keywords and users list will be returned.
  • The IP address to call the API must be one of the IP list provided when created the subscription. Otherwise, the error response ‘Ip is limited’ will be returned.
  • Parameter 'source' and 'access_token' are not needed to pass.


JSON Example

    “data”: [
            “uid”: 730,            //微任务用户ID
            “sinaid”: 1235653741,  //新浪微博用户ID
            “nick”: ”随便谁吧”,    //新浪微博用户昵称
            “stars”: 3,
            “price”: 95.5,         //直发价格
            ”reprice“: 95.3      //转发价格
            “followers”: 3000000,
            “weiboclass”: ”汽车,娱乐,新闻”,    //微任务帐号分类
            “location”: ”北京朝阳”,
            “gender”: ”男”,
            “profile_imageurl”: ”http: //www2.img.sina.com.com/asdfsa345.jpg”
    “count”: 20
    "request": "/statuses/bilateral_timeline/ids.json",
    "error_code": "201XX",
    "error": "error message."

See the Error Code Description for the error information details.

Field Description




Language: [[{{{2/uri}}}|中文]]
