Receive General Message

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After connecting with your callback url, Weibo Server will POST the general message to your URL when your account get new general messages.

For each POST request from Weibo, developer can respond it by return specific JSON in response body. Weibo Server will disconnect and request your callback url again if can't receive any response in 5 seconds. Weibo Server will retry 3 times in total.

About eliminating the repetitive messages which may result from the retry mechanism, we recommend you eliminating the repetitive message by using sender_id plus created_at.

If developer can't respond in 5 seconds, developer can reply with blank string. Weibo Server will not do anything with your blank string and will not retry after receiving your blank string.


Text Type Message

The JSON format of Text Type Message as the following:

    "type": "text",
    "receiver_id": 1902538057,
    "sender_id": 2489518277,
    "created_at": "Mon Jul 16 18:09:20 +0800 2012",
    "text": "the content of a general message",
    "data": {}
the parameters
Parameters Type Decription
type string text
receiver_id int64 the receiver of this message
sender_id int64 the sender of this message
created_at string the creation time of this message
text string the content of this message
data string Text Type Message is blank

Position Type Message

The JSON format of Position Type Message as the following:

    "type": "position",
    "receiver_id": 1902538057,
    "sender_id": 2489518277,
    "created_at": "Mon Jul 16 18:09:20 +0800 2012",
    "text": "我在这里:",
    "data": {
        "longitude": "116.308586",
        "latitude": "39.982525"
the parameters
Parameters Type Decription
type string position
receiver_id int64 the receiver of this message
sender_id int64 the sender of this message
created_at string the creation time of this message
text string default content about 7 Chinese Characters“发送了一个位置”
data string the content of this message
data:longitude string longitude
data:latitude string latitude

Voice Type Message

The JSON format of Voice Type Message as the following:

    "type": "voice",
    "receiver_id": 1902538057,
    "sender_id": 2489518277,
    "created_at": "Mon Jul 16 18:09:20 +0800 2012",
    "text": "发了一个语音消息",
    "data": {
        "vfid": 821804459,    // the sender can get the voice file by this ID
        "tovfid": 821804469  // the receiver can get the voice file by this ID
the parameters
Parameters Type Description
type string voice
receiver_id int64 the receiver of this message
sender_id int64 the sender of this message
created_at string the creation time of this message
text string default content about 9 Chinese Characters“发送了一个语音消息”
data string the content of the voice type message
data:vfid string vfid, the sender can get the voice file by this ID
data:tovfid string tovid, the receiver can get the voice file by this ID
how to download the voice file?
curl ""

1."ACCESS_TOKEN":developer‘s access_token
2."TOVFID":the tovid in data parameter

Image Type Message

The JSON format of Image Type Message as the following:

    "type": "image",
    "receiver_id": 1902538057,
    "sender_id": 2489518277,
    "created_at": "Mon Jul 16 18:09:20 +0800 2012",
    "text": "发了一张图片",
    "data": {
        "vfid": 821804459,     // the sender can get the image file by this ID
        "tovfid": 821804469    // the receiver can get the voice file by this ID
the parameters
Parameters Type Description
type string image
receiver_id int64 the receiver of this message
sender_id int64 the sender of this message
created_at string the creation time of this message
text string default content about 6 Chinese Characters“发了一张图片”
data string the content of the voice type message
data:vfid string vfid,the sender can get the voice file by this ID
data:tovfid string tovfid, the receiver can get the voice file by this ID
how to download an image file?
curl ""

1."ACCESS_TOKEN":developer‘s access_token
2."TOVFID":the tovid in data parameter