Contents |
Timeline API
- statuses/public_timeline Return the latest public weibos.
- statuses/friends_timeline Return the authenticating user’s and his friends’ latest weibos ( Alias: statues/home_timeline)
- statuses/user_timeline Return the authenticating user’s latest weibos.
- statuses/mentions Return the authenticating user’s mentions
- statuses/comments_timeline Return comments of the authenticating user made and received
- statuses/comments_by_me Return comments made by the authenticating user
- statuses/comments_to_me Return comments the authenticating user received
- statuses/comments Return the weibo’s comment list by the weibo ID
- statuses/counts Return the comment counts and repost counts of a list of weibos
- statuses/repost_timeline Return the latest of repost weibos of a original weibo. New!
- statuses/repost_by_me Return the latest repost weibos of authenticating user New!
- statuses/unread Return the authenticating user’s unread weibo count
- statuses/reset_count Reset unread weibo count
- emotions Emotion Iinterface, return the emotion list
Weibo Access API
- statuses/show Return the single weibo’s content by its ID
- user/statuses/id Jump to the content page of weibo by its ID and user ID.
- statuses/update Post a weibo Updated!
- statuses/upload Post a weibo with picture.
- statuses/destroy Delete a weibo
- statuses/repost Repost a weibo Updated!
- statuses/comment Post a comment to a weibo
- statuses/comment_destroy/:id Delete the authenticating user’s weibo
- statuses/comment/destroy_batch Delete a batch of comments of authenticating user's weibo
- statuses/reply Replay a weibo comment
User API
- users/show Return user profile by user ID (autheriszed user)
- statuses/friends Return the user’s following list and the latest weibo of each following user
- statuses/followers Return the user’s follower list and the latest weibo of each follower
- users/hot Return system recommended users
- user/friends/update_remark Update remarks of authenticating user's followingNew!
- users/suggestions Return the user that authenticating user may be interesting inBeta!
Direct message API
- direct_messages Return the authenticating user’s latest direct message list
- direct_messages/sent Return latest direct message list sent by the authenticating user
- direct_messages/new Send a direct message
- direct_messages/destroy/:id Delete a specific direct message
- direct_messages/destroy_batch Delete a batch of direct messages
Friendships API
- friendships/create Follow a user
- friendships/destroy Unfollow a user
- friendships/exists Check if already follow a user (Recommend to use friendships/show instead)
- friendships/show Return relationship of two users.
Trends API Beta!
- trends Returns trends of a user.
- trends/statuses Returns the weibos belong to the trends
- trends/follow Follow a trends
- trends/destroy Unfollow a trends
- trends/hourly Hot trends by hour
- trends/daily Return trends by date.
- trends/weekly Return trends by week.
Social Graph API
- friends/ids Return user’s following list
- followers/ids Return user’s follower list
Privacy API [NEW]
- account/update_privacy Set privacy parameters
- account/get_privacy Return current user’s privacy settings
Block API [NEW]
- blocks/create Block a user
- blocks/destroy Unblock a user
- blocks/exists Check whether a user is in blocked
- blocks/blocking Return the blocked users list with detail
- blocks/blocking/ids Return the user IDs of blocking list in pages
Tags API [NEW]
- tags Return the tag list by user ID
- tags/create Create a tag for current user
- tags/suggestions Return the recommended tags for the current user
- tags/destroy Delete a tag
- tags/destroy_batch Delete a batch of tags
Account API
- account/verify_credentials Check if the user is authenticated
- account/rate_limit_status Return the authenticating user’s API access rate limitation
- account/end_session End the session of authenticating user
- account/update_profile_image Update profile image
- account/update_profile Update profile
- account/register Register a Sina Weibo account
- account/activate Activate a weibo account
Favorites API
- favorites Return authenticating user’s favorites list
- favorites/create Add a weibo as favorite
- favorites/destroy Delete a weibo from favorite list of the authenticating user
- favorites/destroy_batch Delete a batch of weibos from favorite list
- oauth about OAuth
- oauth/request_token Return unauthorized Request Token
- oauth/authorize Request Authorization Token.n
- oauth/access_token Get the Access Token by Request Token
Search API
Note: The Search API currently is not available for all the developers. please contact @微博开放平台 or email us at weibo_app@vip.sina.com for more info.
User search
- users/search Search for weibo users Updated!
Weibo Search API
- search Search for weibo content
- statuses/search Search for weibo contents by multi-conditions
Geo API is not available for all developers. Any questions, please contact @地理信息开放平台, or email us at weibo_app@vip.sina.com for more info.
Geo search API
- location/route Search for car driving route
- location/bus Search for bus interchange info
Geo transformation API
- location/ip2xy Return the coordinated longitude and langtitude by IP address
- location/addr2xy Return the coordinated longitude and langtitude by the street address
- location/get_addr Return the street address of the specific longitude and langtitude
Test API
- help/test Test API
Rest API Field Description
- status weibo content area
- user user profile area
- comment comment of a weibo
- direct_message direct message
- Province and city code table
- Metadata metadata New!
Geo field description
- location/citycode City code table
- location/citycode_bus City code table that has bus information
- location/category Category table
文档更新时间: 30 March 2012