API文档 V2/en
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Weibo API
Read API
- statuses/public_timeline Return the latest public weibos
- statuses/friends_timeline Return the authenticating user’s and his friends’ latest weibos
- statuses/home_timeline Return the authenticating user’s and his friends’ latest weibos
- statuses/friends_timeline/ids Return the authenticating user’s and his friends’ latest weibos ID
- statuses/user_timeline Return the latest weibos of one user
- statuses/user_timeline/ids Return the latest weibos ID of one user
- statuses/repost_timeline Return the latest of repost weibos of a original weibo
- statuses/repost_timeline/ids Return the latest of repost weibos ID of a original weibo
- statuses/repost_by_me Return the latest of repost weibos of authenticating user
- statuses/mentions Return the latest weibos metioned the authenticating user
- statuses/mentions/ids Return the latest weibos‘ID metioned the authenticating user
- statuses/bilateral_timeline Return the latest weibos of the users that are following the authenticating user and are being followed by the authenticating user
- statuses/show Return the single weibo’s content by its ID
- statuses/querymid Return the mid by ID
- statuses/queryid Return the ID by mid
- statuses/hot/repost_daily Return the daily weibos of hot weibo repost list
- statuses/hot/repost_weekly Return the weekly weibos of hot weibo repost list
- statuses/hot/comments_daily Return the daily weibos of hot weibo comment list
- statuses/hot/comments_weekly Return the weekly weibos of hot weibo comment list
- statuses/count Return the comment counts and repost counts of a list of weibos
Write API
- statuses/repost Repost a weibo
- statuses/destroy Delete a weibo
- statuses/update Post a weibo
- statuses/upload Upload a picture with a new weibo
- statuses/upload_url_text Upload a picture by a picture URL with a new weibo
- emotions Emotion interface, return the emotion list
Comments API
Read API
- comments/show Return comments of one weibo
- comments/by_me Return comments posted by the authenticating user
- comments/to_me Return comments posted to the authenticating user
- comments/timeline Return the latest comments of the authenticating user
- comments/mentions Return the latest comments metioned the authenticating user
- comments/show_batch Return a batch of comments
Write API
- comments/create Post a comment to a weibo
- comments/destroy Delete a comment of authenticating user's
- comments/destroy_batch Delete a batch of comments of authenticating user's
- comments/reply Reply a comment
Users API
Read API
- users/show Return user profile by user ID
- users/domain_show Return user profile and the latest weibo by user’s personalized weibo url
- users/counts Return the followers counts,friends counts, and weibo counts of a batch of users
Friendships API
Friend Read API
- friendships/friends Return the friends list of a user
- friendships/friends/in_common Return the common friends list between two users
- friendships/friends/bilateral Return list of users that are following the specified user and are being followed by the specified user
- friendships/friends/bilateral/ids Return ID of users that are following the specified user and are being followed by the specified user
- friendships/friends/ids Return the friends ID list of a user
Follower Read API
- friendships/followers Return the followers list of a user
- friendships/followers/ids Return the followers ID list of a user
- friendships/followers/active Return the high quality followers list of a user
Friendship Chain Read API
- friendships/friends_chain/followers Return users that are being followed by the authenticating user and are following the specified user
Friendship Read API
- friendships/show Return relationship of two users
Write API
- friendships/create Follow a user
- friendships/destroy Cancel following a user
- friendships/remark/update Update remarks of the friends
Accounts API
Read API
- account/get_privacy Return authenticating user’s privacy settings
- account/profile/school_list Return the school list
- account/rate_limit_status Return the authenticating user’s API access rate limitation
- account/get_uid Return user ID after OAuth authorization (the same function as account/verify_credentials)
Write API
- account/end_session End the session of authenticating user
Favorites API
Read API
- favorites Return authenticating user’s favorites list
- favorites/ids Return authenticating user’s favorites ID list
- favorites/show Return one of the user's favorites by ID
- favorites/by_tags Return authenticating user’s favorites list of one tag
- favorites/tags Return authenticating user’s favorites tag list
- favorites/by_tags/ids Return authenticating user’s favorites ID list of one tag
Write API
- favorites/create Add a weibo to the favorite list
- favorites/destroy Delete a weibo from favorite list of the authenticating user
- favorites/destroy_batch Delete a batch of favorites from favorite list
- favorites/tags/update Update the tag of a favorite
- favorites/tags/update_batch Update a specified tag of authenticating user's all the favorites
- favorites/tags/destroy_batch Delete a specified tag of authenticating user's all the favorites
Topics API
Read API
- trends Return topics of a user
- trends/is_follow Whether follow a topic or not
- trends/hourly Return hot topics by hour
- trends/daily Return hot topics by day
- trends/weekly Return hot topics by week
Write API
- trends/follow Follow a topic
- trends/destroy Cancel following a topic
Tags API
Read API
- tags Return the tags list by user ID
- tags/tags_batch Return the tags list of a batch of users
- tags/suggestions Return the recommended tags list for the authenticating user
Write API
- tags/create Create tags for the authenticating user
- tags/destroy Delete a tag
- tags/destroy_batch Delete a batch of tags
Register API
Read API
- register/verify_nickname Whether a specified nickname is available
Search API
Suggestion Search API
- search/suggestions/users Suggestions for searching users
- search/suggestions/statuses Suggestions for searching weibos
- search/suggestions/schools Suggestions for searching schools
- search/suggestions/companies Suggestions for searching companies
- search/suggestions/apps Suggestions for searching applications
- search/suggestions/at_users Suggestions for '@username'
Content Search API
- search/statuses Search for weibos
User Search API
- search/users Search for users
Recommend API
Read API
- suggestions/users/hot Return system recommended users
- suggestions/users/may_interested Return users the authenticating user may be interested in
- suggestions/users/by_status Return recommended users by the weibo content
- suggestions/statuses/hot Return the selected weibos
- suggestions/statuses/reorder Return authenticating user's friends' weibos by the interest recommended order
- suggestions/statuses/reorder/ids Return authenticating user's friends' weibos ID list by the interest recommended order
- suggestions/favorites/hot Return the hot favorites
Write API
- suggestions/users/not_interested Mark somebody as the person the authenticating user is not interested in
Remind API
Read API
- remind/unread_count Return all kinds of unread count of a user
Public Service API
Read API
- common/code_to_location Return address names by address codes
- common/get_city Return cities list
- common/get_province Return provinces list
- common/get_country Return countries list
- common/get_timezone Return timezone configurations list
Location Read API
- location/base/get_map_image Generate a static map
Coordinate API
- location/geo/ip_to_geo Return geography information coordinate by IP
- location/geo/address_to_geo Return geography information coordinate by practical address
- location/geo/geo_to_address Return practical address by geography information coordinate
- location/geo/gps_to_offset Return deviated coordinate by GPS coordinate
- location/geo/is_domestic Whether geography information coordinates are domestic coordinates
POI Data Read API
- location/pois/show_batch Return a batch of POI informations
- location/pois/search/by_location Return POI informations according to location by keyword
- location/pois/search/by_geo Return POI informations according to coordinate range by keyword
- location/pois/search/by_area Return POI informations according to rectangular area by keyword
POI Data Write API
- location/pois/add Create a new POI information
Mobile Service Read API
- location/mobile/get_location Return current location information by mobile base station WIFI
Traffic Route Read API
- location/line/drive_route Return self driving route information by starting point and terminal point
- location/line/bus_route Return bus route information by starting point and terminal point
- location/line/bus_line Return bus route information by keyword
- location/line/bus_station Return bus station information by keyword
OAuth 2.0 API (Version 2 APIs only support OAuth 2.0 authorization)
- oauth2/access_token Return authorized Access Token
- oauth2/authorize Request user authorization
文档更新时间: 17 April 2012