Return the posts that @username (mention someone)
Supported Formats
HTTP Request Method
Login Requirement
See Login and Authorization for details.
Authorized Access Limitation
Request for all the business API:
- 50000 times per hour per IP;
- 50000 times per hour per IP;
Request Parameters
Requires | Type and Range | Description | |
source | false | string | This parameter is not needed when using OAuth, and is required when using other authorization methods. The value of this parameter is AppKey. |
access_token | false | string | This parameter is required when using OAuth, and is not needed when using other authorization methods. You will get the access_token after obtaining OAuth. |
uid | false | int64 | The ID of searched users. |
since_id | false | int64 | When this parameter is designated, return posts later than since_id. Defaults as 0. |
max_id | false | int64 | When this parameter is designated, return posts earlier than max_id. Defaults as 0. |
count | false | int | Number of returned results within one page, defaults as 50. |
page | false | int | The page number of returned results, defaults as 1. |
filter_by_author | false | int | The type of screened authors of the post: 0 for all, 1 for followings, 2 for strangers. Defaults as 0. |
filter_by_source | false | int | The type of screened source: 0 for all, 1 for posts, 2 for chat groups. Defaults as 0. |
JSON Example
{ "comments": [ { "created_at": "Wed Jun 01 00:50:25 +0800 2011", "id": 12438492184, "text": "love your work.......", "source": "<a href="http://weibo.com" rel="nofollow">新浪微博</a>", "mid": "202110601896455629", "user": { "id": 1404376560, "screen_name": "zaku", "name": "zaku", "province": "11", "city": "5", "location": "北京 朝阳区", "description": "人生五十年,乃如梦如幻;有生斯有死,壮士复何憾。", "url": "http://blog.sina.com.cn/zaku", "profile_image_url": "http://tp1.sinaimg.cn/1404376560/50/0/1", "domain": "zaku", "gender": "m", "followers_count": 1204, "friends_count": 447, "statuses_count": 2908, "favourites_count": 0, "created_at": "Fri Aug 28 00:00:00 +0800 2009", "following": false, "allow_all_act_msg": false, "remark": "", "geo_enabled": true, "verified": false, "allow_all_comment": true, "avatar_large": "http://tp1.sinaimg.cn/1404376560/180/0/1", "verified_reason": "", "follow_me": false, "online_status": 0, "bi_followers_count": 215 }, "status": { "created_at": "Tue May 31 17:46:55 +0800 2011", "id": 11488058246, "text": "求关注。", "source": "<a href="http://weibo.com" rel="nofollow">新浪微博</a>", "favorited": false, "truncated": false, "in_reply_to_status_id": "", "in_reply_to_user_id": "", "in_reply_to_screen_name": "", "geo": null, "mid": "5612814510546515491", "reposts_count": 8, "comments_count": 9, "annotations": [], "user": { "id": 1404376560, "screen_name": "zaku", "name": "zaku", "province": "11", "city": "5", "location": "北京 朝阳区", "description": "人生五十年,乃如梦如幻;有生斯有死,壮士复何憾。", "url": "http://blog.sina.com.cn/zaku", "profile_image_url": "http://tp1.sinaimg.cn/1404376560/50/0/1", "domain": "zaku", "gender": "m", "followers_count": 1204, "friends_count": 447, "statuses_count": 2908, "favourites_count": 0, "created_at": "Fri Aug 28 00:00:00 +0800 2009", "following": false, "allow_all_act_msg": false, "remark": "", "geo_enabled": true, "verified": false, "allow_all_comment": true, "avatar_large": "http://tp1.sinaimg.cn/1404376560/180/0/1", "verified_reason": "", "follow_me": false, "online_status": 0, "bi_followers_count": 215 } } }, ... ], "previous_cursor": 0, "next_cursor": 0, "total_number": 7 }
Please see Error Code Description for details of error information.
Field Description
文档更新时间: 2015-07-16