Upload a picture and publish a post.
Supported Formats
HTTP Request Method
Requires Login
See the Login and Authorization Mechanism Statement for login and authorization details.
Requests Count Limitation
Request all APIs:
- 50000/hour/IP;
- 50000/hour/IP;
Request Parameters
Requires | Type and Range | Description | |
source | false | string | This parameter is not needed when using OAuth.The value of this parameter is the AppKey. |
access_token | false | string | This parameter is required when using OAuth.You will get the access_token after oauth authorization. |
status | true | string | Text content to be published, must be URL encoded, and not exceeding 140 Chinese characters. |
visible | false | int | The visibility of the post, 0 for everyone, 1 for oneself, 2 for close friend, 3 for designated group, default as 0. |
list_id | false | string | Desiganated group ID to which post visible to, required and effective only when parameter visible is 3. |
pic | true | binary | The picture to be uploaded, support JPEG, GIF and PNG, with size less than 5 Megabytes. |
lat | false | float | Latitude, range from -90.0 to +90.0, in which '+' means North, default as 0.0 |
long | false | float | Longitude, range from -180.0 to +180.0, in which '+' means East, default as 0.0 |
annotations | false | string | Metadata, for third party application record necessary information. Each post contains one or more metadata, in json format, and no more than 512 characters, content could be self-defined. |
rip | false | string | The real user IP address reported by the developer, formatted like: |
- HTTP request method must be 'POST', and encoded using multipart/form-data.
- Non-member user can only publish directed post to group less than 200 people.
JSON Example
//成功返回 { "created_at": "Wed Oct 24 23:49:17 +0800 2012", "id": 3504803600500000, "mid": "3504803600502730", "idstr": "3504803600502730", "text": "分组定向图片微博", "source": "新浪微博</a>", "favorited": false, "truncated": false, "in_reply_to_status_id": "", "in_reply_to_user_id": "", "in_reply_to_screen_name": "", "thumbnail_pic": "http://ww2.sinaimg.cn/thumbnail/71666d49jw1dy6q8t3p0rj.jpg", "bmiddle_pic": "http://ww2.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/71666d49jw1dy6q8t3p0rj.jpg", "original_pic": "http://ww2.sinaimg.cn/large/71666d49jw1dy6q8t3p0rj.jpg", "geo": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 40.413467, 116.646439 ] }, "user": { "id": 1902538057, "idstr": "1902538057", "screen_name": "张三", "name": "张三", "province": "11", "city": "8", "location": "北京 海淀区", "description": "做最受尊敬的互联网产品经理...", "url": "", "profile_image_url": "http://tp2.sinaimg.cn/1902538057/50/22817372040/1", "profile_url": "304270168", "domain": "shenbinzhu", "weihao": "304270168", "gender": "m", "followers_count": 337, "friends_count": 534, "statuses_count": 516, "favourites_count": 60, "created_at": "Sat Dec 25 14:12:35 +0800 2010", "following": false, "allow_all_act_msg": true, "geo_enabled": true, "verified": false, "verified_type": 220, "allow_all_comment": true, "avatar_large": "http://tp2.sinaimg.cn/1902538057/180/22817372040/1", "verified_reason": "", "follow_me": false, "online_status": 0, "bi_followers_count": 185, "lang": "zh-cn", "level": 7, "type": 1, "ulevel": 0, "badge": { "kuainv": { "level": 0 }, "uc_domain": 0, "enterprise": 0, "anniversary": 0 } }, "reposts_count": 0, "comments_count": 0, "attitudes_count": 0, "mlevel": 0, "visible": { "type": 3, "list_id": 3469454702570000 } } //失败返回 { "request": "/statuses/upload/biz.json", "error_code": XXXXX, "error": "error message." }
See the Error Code Description for the error information details.
Field Description
文档更新时间: 2015-07-23