
跳转到: 导航, 搜索
第7行: 第7行:
params={{api_args|task_id|true|int|The task ID for searching historical data.}}
params={{api_args|task_id|true|int|The task ID for searching historical data.}}
{{api_args|timestamp|true|timestamp|UNIX timestamp of the current time of the caller’s server.}}
{{api_args|timestamp|true|timestamp|UNIX timestamp of the current time of the caller’s server.}}
{{api_args|signature|true|string|Authentication signature. The encryption method is signature = md5(id + secret key + timestamp).id is the creator’s ID, the platform obtains “id, secret_key” through task_id.}}|

2015年7月16日 (四) 12:02的版本


download the result data of the task



Supported Formats


HTTP Request Method


Login Requirement

See Login and Authorization for details.

Authorized Access Limitation

Request for all the business API:

    • 50000 times per hour per IP;

Request Parameters

  Requires Type and Range Description
source false string This parameter is not needed when using OAuth, and is required when using other authorization methods. The value of this parameter is AppKey.
access_token false string This parameter is required when using OAuth, and is not needed when using other authorization methods. You will get the access_token after obtaining OAuth.
task_id true int The task ID for searching historical data.
timestamp true timestamp UNIX timestamp of the current time of the caller’s server.
signature true string {{{4}}}


  • This API will check the quota of the business data API, deduct the return amount from the quota when quota greater than or equal to results number minus 1000, otherwise, no check and no deductible. Then redirect to the downloading address.
  • The according quota will be deducted first time retrieving data from the task_id under this appkey, when re-downloading the same task_id data, no more quota will be deducted.
  • There’s only one download address for each task_id. Data will be downloaded by clicking that address.
  • Combination of verified task_id+secret_key (e.g.: 172851e0f5a39d0fe242eff91a) is needed to unzip data package input and verified.
  • Each data package contains 2 million results at most. You may want to create a new searching task with previous latest post time as the end time of the new task to obtain full data.
  • Each download task will expire automatically after 7 days, when calling this interface will return corresponding error message.


JSON Example

    "request": "/aim/campaign/create.json",
    "error_code": 2111XX,
    "error": "error information"               //显示错误信息 

Please see Error Code Description for details of error information.

Field Description




    "mid": "3701582888062260",
    "uid": "3876186865",
    "extend": "-1",                 //扩展属性,原创值为-1
    "geo": "39.87517,116.488873",   //地理坐标
    "huati_tag": "",                //话题标签
    "created_at": "2014-04-20 23:59:55",
    "source_id": "365330",          //微博应用来源
    "filter": "264",                //微博类型,1:图片微博,2:含链接微博,4:转发微博,8:含@微博,16:视频微博,32:音乐微博,64:含表情微博,1+16:图片+视频微博,依次递推
    "content": "为你做的一切都值得,我你,你要紧握我,@赵晗炜 不管将来怎么样,我希望我能做到文章的一句话我最骄傲的一件事就是我的女人叫张恩竹@赵晗炜 我爱你 我在这里:http://t.cn/8kP8VGy",            //博文内容
    "prov_id": "11",                //省份编码
    "city_id": "1000",              //城市编码
    "location_name": "北京:未知",    //省市中文
    "mentions": "1806892183",       //博文内被提及人列表
    "blog_url ": "http://weibo.com/3876186865/B0Fb2xPms",       //博文地址
    "parent_rt_id_db": "-1",                                    //原博文ID,当为原创时,该值为-1


    "mid": "3701582888061524",
    "uid": "1778265875",
    "extend": "text=>今天给爸妈写的信。。。,rootuid=>1658537731,rootmid=>3644164354469467,rootmid62=>AiwUPiKIb",
    "geo": "-1",
    "huati_tag": "",
    "created_at": "2014-04-20 23:59:54",
    "source_id": "576239",
    "filter": "77",
    "content": "//@田不野:尽管社会上总有论调,说一代不如一代。但是这样的文章让我相信,社会是在前进。 //@泉水叮咚玲珑心:@皮皮旺财小皮妈 //@邵_小_花:作者的这个观点非常精准。",
    "prov_id": "36",
    "city_id": "1",
    "location_name": "江西:南昌",
    "mentions": "1675753864, 1777476347, 1061866935, 1412337811, 1658537731",
    "blog_url ": "http://weibo.com/1778265875/B0Fb2xPaA",
    "parent_rt_id_db": "3701568102992124",                      

Language: [[{{{2/uri}}}|中文]]