Receive Event Push

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After users taking attention to or cancel the attention to a third Weibo account,or scanning a two-dimension code with parameters, the Weibo server will push this events to the url which the third Weibo account wrote in the fan service platform. It gives great convenience to developers to send users with welcome messages or unbundling account. The Weibo server will break connection if it cannot receive response in five seconds, and it will send a new request, if not succeed, it will retry three times. To Eliminate message repetitive of the retry, you’d better use FromUserName + CreateTme. If the third server cannot dispose an reply in five seconds, it can directly reply an empty string, the Weibo user will not do anything under this situation and will not begin retrying.


Taking attention or canceling attention event

Taking attention or canceling attention,push the JSON format is as follows:

    "type": "event",
    "receiver_id": 1902538057,
    "sender_id": 2489518277,
    "created_at": "Mon Jul 16 18:09:20 +0800 2012",
    "text": "关注事件消息",
    "data": {
        "subtype": "follow"
Return Value
Parameters Type Description
type string event
receiver_id int64 Recipient of the message
sender_id int64 Sender of the message
created_at string Message creation time
text string The default copy。subtype is follow or unfollow:“Taking attention event”、“anceling attention event”;
data string Message Content
data:subtype string follow:Taking attention ,unfollow:canceling attention event

Subscribe or unsubscribe event

Subscribe or unsubscribe event,Push the JSON format is as follows:

    "type": "event",
    "receiver_id": 1902538057,
    "sender_id": 2489518277,
    "created_at": "Mon Jul 16 18:09:20 +0800 2012",
    "text": "订阅事件消息",
    "data": {
        "subtype": "subscribe"
Return Value
Parameters Type Description
type string event
receiver_id int64 Recipient of the message
sender_id int64 Sender of the message
created_at string Message creation time
text string The default copy。为subscribe或unsubscribe时为触发订阅的私信关键词(如“dy”),非私信触发时(点击订阅按钮)为“订阅事件消息”、“取消订阅事件消息”;
data string Message Content
data:subtype string subscribe:Subscribe event,unsubscribe:Unsubscribe event。

Scanning a two-dimension code with parameters


    "type": "event",
    "receiver_id": 1902538057,
    "sender_id": 2489518277,
    "created_at": "Mon Jul 16 18:09:20 +0800 2012",
    "text": "扫描二维码",
    "data": {
        "subtype": "scan_follow",
        "key": "action_name_scene_id",
        "ticket": "TICKET",
属性 值的类型 说明描述
type string event
receiver_id int64 消息的接收者
sender_id int64 消息的发送者
created_at string 消息创建时间
text string 默认文案。subtype为scan或scan_follow时为“扫描二维码”;
data string 消息内容
data:subtype string scan和scan_follow为二维码扫描事件。
data:key string 事件KEY值,格式为action_name_scene_id,也就是说以action_name为前缀,后面为二维码的scene_id;
data:ticket string 二维码的ticket,可用来换取二维码图片。

Have been @ message


    "type": "mention",
    "receiver_id": 1902538057,
    "sender_id": 2489518277,
    "created_at": "Mon Jul 16 18:09:20 +0800 2012",
    "text": "被@的微博或评论文本信息",
    "data": {
        "subtype": "MENTION_TYPE,
        "key": "MENTION_KEY"

// 默认仅返回可信用户的@,如需返回所有用户@,认证用户可访问此链接设置:
属性 值的类型 说明描述
type string mention
receiver_id int64 消息的接收者
sender_id int64 消息的发送者
created_at string 消息创建时间
text string 被@的微博或评论文本信息
data string 消息内容
data:subtype string status:@的微博,comment:@的评论
data:key string 当subtype为status时为微博ID,为comment时为评论ID

Pushing event when click menu to get messages


    "type": "event",
    "receiver_id": 1902538057,
    "sender_id": 2489518277,
    "created_at": "Mon Jul 16 18:09:20 +0800 2012",
    "text": "自定义菜单点击事件消息",
    "data": {
        "subtype": "click",
        "key": "EVENT_KEY"
属性 值的类型 说明描述
type string event
receiver_id int64 消息的接收者
sender_id int64 消息的发送者
created_at string 消息创建时间
text string 默认文案,subtype为click时为 "自定义菜单点击事件消息";
data string 消息内容
data:subtype string click, 自定义菜单点击事件
data:key string 被点击的自定义菜单的key值

Pushing event when click jump url

Pushing event when click jump url,push the JSON format is as follows:

    "type": "event",
    "receiver_id": 1902538057,
    "sender_id": 2489518277,
    "created_at": "Mon Jul 16 18:09:20 +0800 2012",
    "text": "自定义菜单跳转链接事件消息",
    "data": {
        "subtype": "view",
        "key": "url"
Return Value
Parameters Type Description
type string event
receiver_id int64 Recipient of the message
sender_id int64 Sender of the message
created_at string Message creation time
text string The default copy,subtype when view is "custom menu hoplinks event messages";
data string Message Content
data:subtype string view, Custom menu hoplinks event messages
data:key string Url the button settings