模板:Rdes repost en

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Returned Field Field Type Field Description
idstr string Weibo ID of string
created_at string Created time
id int64 Weibo ID
text string Weibo content
source string Weibo source
favorited boolean Whether it is favorited
truncated boolean Whether it is truncated
in_reply_to_status_id int64 The reply’s ID
in_reply_to_user_id int64 UID of the replyer
in_reply_to_screen_name string Nickname of the replyer
mid int64 Weibo MID
bmiddle_pic string Medium picture
original_pic string Original picture
thumbnail_pic string Thumbnail picture
reposts_count int Repost count
comments_count int Comment count
annotations array Weibo annotation information
geo object Geography information
user object User profile that posted the weibo
retweeted_status object Reposted weibo content