2/statuses/user timeline/ids/en

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Return the latest weibos'ID of one user.



Supported Formats


HTTP Request Method


Requires Login

See the Login and Authorization Mechanism Statement for login and authorization details.

Requests Count Limitation

Count Limitation:true
See the Interface Access Rights Statement for the request count limitation details.

Request Parameters

  Requires Type and Range Description
source false string This parameter is not needed when using OAuth.The value of this parameter is the AppKey.
access_token false string This parameter is required when using OAuth.You will get the access_token after oauth authorization.
uid false int64 Return the weibos'ID of specified ID of a user.
screen_name false string The nickname of the user that ID is specified.
since_id false int64 Return the weibos'ID with the ID greater than (that is, more recent than) the specified ID,the default value is 0.
max_id false int64 Return the weibos'ID with the ID smaller than the specified ID or equal with the specified ID,the default value is 0.
count false int The returned count for every page.The default value is 50.
page false int The returned page.The default value is 1.
base_app false int Whether get the data based on current application only. 1 is only current application; 0 is no limitation. The default value is 0.
feature false int Return the weibos'ID by weibo type. 0 : all types; 1 : original; 2 : picture; 3 : video; 4 : music; The default value is 0.


  • You must provide a parameter either uid or screen_name.
  • If you don't provide both of the uid and the screen_name, or don't provide rightly, you will get the data of the authenticating user.


JSON Example

    "statuses": [
    "previous_cursor": 0,
    "next_cursor": 0,
    "total_number": 16

See the Error Code Description for the error information details.

Field Description




Language: [[{{{2/uri}}}|中文]]