C/2/friendships/followers/unfollower list-en

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Obtain unfollowers list of up to recent 90 days.



Supported Formats


HTTP Request Method


Login Requirement

See Login and Authorization for details.

Authorized Access Limitation

Request for all the business API:

    • 50000 times per hour per IP;

Request Parameters

  Requires Type and Range Description
source false string This parameter is not needed when using OAuth, and is required when using other authorization methods. The value of this parameter is AppKey.
access_token false string This parameter is required when using OAuth, and is not needed when using other authorization methods. You will get the access_token after obtaining OAuth.
uid false int64 The ID of searched users, current login user by default.
time_span true int Time range for search: recent 7/30/90 days.
page false int Page number of returned results, 1 by default.
page_count false int Total records in one page, fix to 10/20/50/100.


Obtain unfollowers list of up to recent 90 days.


JSON Example

    "uid": 10438,
    "result": [
            "uid": "5574029246",
            "unfollow_time": "2015-09-16",
            "folllow_time": "2015-06-16"
            "uid": "1898267781",
            "unfollow_time": "2015-11-1",
            "folllow_time": "2014-03-15"
            "total_number": 3021
            "page": 2
            "page_count": 10

Please see Error Code Description for details of error information.

Field Description



  • Returned results are most recent un-following time of selected date range, and nearest following time before that un-following time.
  • If the nearest following time is earlier than January 1, 2014, then the returned following time is set to January 1, 2014

Language: [[{{{2/uri}}}|中文]]

文档更新时间: 2016-01-19