目录 |
Weibo with metadata
Metadata can be event, character, place etc. It can be detected by other applications and search engine. With this information, developer can develop kinds of different applications.
When you create a weibo, you can attach one or more metadata to this weibo. These data is a structured information about his weibo. You can choose the content, but the data struct and grammar should follows the standard.
… "annotations": [ {"movie": { "title": "Wall Street", "url": "", "text": "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps"}}], …
Weibo Metadata Format
Metadata is constructed by type, attribute and value:
"annotations": [{"type": {"attribute": "value"}}]
One attribute corresponds one value, one type can have many attributes, one weibo can have many types.
"annotations": [ {"type": { "another_attribute": "value", "attribute": "value"}}, {"type": { "another_attribute": "value", "attribute": "value"}}]
TYPE | Description |
webpage | webpage with text, picture, news, blogs |
product | product information |
video | video information |
movie | movie information |
song | song information |
people | people information |
place | Geo information |
review | review information |
restaurant | restaurant inforamtion |
book | book information |
stock | stock information |
event | event information |
vote | vote statistics information |
pay | payment information |
job | jobs information |
game | game information |
app | application information |
general attribute
all the attributes can use these field:
Attribute | Value |
title | title |
image | image |
url | URL |
text | test |
type attribute
Different types have different meanings, and many type attributes can be used together.
Attribute | Value |
title | title |
image | image |
url | url of the metadata |
Attribute | value |
brand | brand of the product |
model | model |
price | pricel, including Dollar sign |
origin | place of origin |
category | category |
Attribute | Value |
title | title of the video |
url | URL of the video |
player_url | URL of the video player |
Attribute | Value |
title | movie title/td> |
url | URL of the movie webpage |
director | director name |
year | produced yeah, format:YYYY |
Attribute | Value |
title | music title |
url | URL of introducing webpage |
artist | artist |
year | producing year, format:YYYY |
genre | music type |
album | album |
Attribute | Value |
title | name |
url | URL of introducing page of the person |
hometown | hometown |
birthday | birthday, format: MM/DD/YYYY |
Attribute | Value |
title | Place name |
url | URL of introducing webpage |
street_address | street address |
locality | district, county |
region | province, city |
postal_code | ZIP code |
country_name | country name |
phone | phone number |
latitude | latitude |
longitude | longitude |
Attribute | Value |
content | content |
rating | rating. 3/5 starts is "0.6” |
url | url |
Attribute | Value |
cuisine | cuisine |
pricerange | average price per person. format: ¥nn-¥mm |
Attribute | Value |
isbn | ISBN number of the book |
author | author |
publisher | publisher |
year | publishing year. format: YYYY |
Attribute | Value |
symbol | symbol |
price | Price, including the Dollar sign: ¥nnn.nn |
Attribute | Value |
location | location |
start_date | starting date |
end_date | end date |
Attribute | Value |
option | options of the vote |
count | count |
Attribute | Value |
seller | Seller |
end_date | end date |
price | price, including Dollar sign, eg: ¥nnn.nn |
discount | discount, nn% or ¥nnn.nn |
Attribute | Value |
company | company |
duties | duties |
Attribute | Value |
manufacturer | manufacturer |
platform | platform, eg: PC、PSP |
Attribute | Value |
author | author of the application |
tags | tags |
category | category |
rating | rating, 3/5 stars is “0.6” |
Metadata Limitation
The length of metadata can't be more than 512 characters.
Currently, we only support JSON.
[{"type": {"attribute": "value"}}]
Weibo with metadata
An example of weibo with metadata
{ "created_at":"Fri Jul 30 14:01:57 +0800 2010", "id":1413384253, "text":"playing with cURL and the Sina API", "source":"<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">dabr for weibo</a>", "favorited":false, "truncated":false, "in_reply_to_status_id":"", "in_reply_to_user_id":"", "in_reply_to_screen_name":"", "geo":null, "user":{ "id":10506, "screen_name":"hustfisher", "name":"hustfisher", "province":"44", "city":"1", "location":"广东 广州", "description":"", "url":"", "profile_image_url":"","domain":"", "gender":"m", "followers_count":8, "friends_count":39, "statuses_count":169, "favourites_count":0, "created_at":"Tue Oct 20 00:00:00 +0800 2009", "following":false, "allow_all_act_msg":false, "geo_enabled":false, "verified":false }, "annotations":[ {"type":{"attribute":"value","another_attribute":"value"}}, {"another_type":{"attribute":"value"}} ] }