Statuses/comment/destroy batch/en

跳转到: 导航, 搜索



Delet a batch of comments. Note can’t delete others’ comments but onl the comments belonged to the authenticating user.


Supported Formats


HTTP Request Method


Requires Authentication

See the Authorization Mechanism Statement for authorization details

Requests Count Limitation

See the Interface Access Rights Statement for the Request Count Limitaiton details.

Request Parameters

  Requires Type and Range Description
source true string AppKey for the application to identify it. ( This parameter is not needed when using OAuth)
ids true int64 A list of IDs of the comments to be deleted separated by comma, 20 ids at the most.


  • If some IDs of the list are not in the user’s comments_by_me list, only the comments in comments_by_me list can be delete, and return then list of deleted comments.
  • If none of the ids in the to be deleted list is in the comments_by_me list, it returns a null list.

Example Request

curl -u "username:password" ",4976262053"
curl -u "username:password" ",4976262053"


XML Example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <created_at>Fri Dec 03 10:22:44 +0800 2010</created_at>
      <location>北京 朝阳区</location>
      <created_at>Tue Nov 03 00:00:00 +0800 2009</created_at>
      <created_at>Fri Dec 03 09:25:51 +0800 2010</created_at>
        <a href="">新浪科技</a>
        <location>北京 朝阳区</location>
        <created_at>Thu Dec 10 00:00:00 +0800 2009</created_at>
    <created_at>Fri Dec 03 10:20:24 +0800 2010</created_at>
    <text>回复@zhangwei217245:make a test</text>
      <location>北京 朝阳区</location>
      <created_at>Tue Nov 03 00:00:00 +0800 2009</created_at>
      <created_at>Thu Dec 02 17:14:39 +0800 2010</created_at>
        <a href="">新浪微博</a>
        <location>北京 朝阳区</location>
        <created_at>Tue Nov 03 00:00:00 +0800 2009</created_at>
        <created_at>Thu Dec 02 17:06:40 +0800 2010</created_at>
          <a href="">微博开放平台接口</a>
        <geo xmlns:georss="">
          <georss:point>39.8765 119.5678</georss:point>
          <location>北京 海淀区</location>
          <created_at>Fri Aug 27 00:00:00 +0800 2010</created_at>
      <created_at>Thu Dec 02 17:25:25 +0800 2010</created_at>
        <location>北京 朝阳区</location>
        <created_at>Tue Nov 03 00:00:00 +0800 2009</created_at>

JSON Example

        "id" : 4976494627,
        "text" : "回复@zhangwei217245:haha ",
        "created_at" : "Fri Dec 03 10:12:58 +0800 2010",
        "reply_comment" : 
            "id" : 4976262053,
            "text" : "有ZF 支持??",
            "created_at" : "Fri Dec 03 10:03:12 +0800 2010",
            "user" : 
                "name" : "zhangwei217245",
                "domain" : "zhangwei217245",
                "geo_enabled" : true,
                "followers_count" : 22,
                "statuses_count" : 115,
                "favourites_count" : 3,
                "city" : "5",
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                "id" : 1658122963,
                "gender" : "m",
                "friends_count" : 43,
                "screen_name" : "zhangwei217245",
                "allow_all_act_msg" : false,
                "following" : false,
                "url" : "",
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                "created_at" : "Tue Nov 03 00:00:00 +0800 2009",
                "province" : "11",
                "location" : "北京 朝阳区"
        "user" : 
            "name" : "zhangwei217245",
            "domain" : "zhangwei217245",
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            "screen_name" : "zhangwei217245",
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            "following" : false,
            "url" : "",
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            "created_at" : "Tue Nov 03 00:00:00 +0800 2009",
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            "location" : "北京 朝阳区"
        "status" : 
            "created_at" : "Fri Dec 03 09:25:51 +0800 2010",
            "text" : "维基解密新主机被曝位于军事掩体内(图)",
            "bmiddle_pic" : "",
            "original_pic" : "",
            "truncated" : false,
            "in_reply_to_status_id" : "",
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            "user" : 
                "name" : "赵海俊的微薄",
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            "source" : "<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">新浪科技</a>"
        "id" : 4976262053,
        "text" : "有ZF 支持??",
        "created_at" : "Fri Dec 03 10:03:12 +0800 2010",
        "user" : 
            "name" : "zhangwei217245",
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            "followers_count" : 22,
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            "created_at" : "Tue Nov 03 00:00:00 +0800 2009",
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            "text" : "维基解密新主机被曝位于军事掩体内(图)",
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            "id" : 4046214423,
            "source" : "<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">新浪科技</a>"

