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Updates the authenticating user's status. Requires the status parameter specified below. Request must be a POST. A status update with text identical to the authenticating user's current status will be ignored to prevent duplicates.




xml, json, rss, atom

HTTP Method(s):


Requires Authentication (about authentication):


API rate limited (about rate limiting):



  • status. Required. The text of your status update. URL encode as necessary. Statuses over 140 characters will be forceably truncated.
  • in_reply_to_status_id. Optional. The ID of an existing status that the update is in reply to.

o Note: This parameter will be ignored unless the author of the tweet this parameter references is mentioned within the status text. Therefore, you must include @username, where username is the author of the referenced tweet, within the update.

  • lat. Optional. The location's latitude that this tweet refers to. [COMING SOON]

o Note: The valid ranges for latitude is -90.0 to +90.0 (North is positive) inclusive. This parameter will be ignored if outside that range, if it is not a number, if geo_enabled is disabled, or if there not a corresponding long parameter with this tweet.

  • long. Optional. The location's longitude that this tweet refers to. [COMING SOON]

o Note: The valid ranges for longitude is -180.0 to +180.0 (East is positive) inclusive. This parameter will be ignored if outside that range, if it is not a number, if geo_enabled is disabled, or if there not a corresponding lat parameter with this tweet.

Usage Notes:

  • This method is subject to update limits. A HTTP 403 will be returned if this limit as been hit.
  • Twitter will ignore attempts to perform a duplicate update. With each update attempt, the application compares the update text with the authenticating user's last successful update, and ignores any attempts that would result in duplication. Therefore, a user cannot submit the same status twice in a row. The status element in the response will return the id from the previously successful update if a duplicate has been silently ignored.

Geolocation [COMING SOON]:

  • Any geolocation parameters in the update will be ignored if geo_enabled for the user is false (this is the default setting for all users unless the user has enabled geolocation in their settings)
  • The XML response uses GeoRSS to encode the latitude and longitude. <georss:point> encodes as latitude, space, and longitude (see the response below for an example). For JSON the response uses conventions laid forth in GeoJSON which looks like




"coordinates":[37.78029, -122.39697]


  • If there is no geolocated information for a status, then there will be an empty <geo/> or "geo" : {}.
  • Currently, all geolocated information will be removed after seven days.


(about return values): XML example (truncated):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <created_at>Tue Apr 07 22:52:51 +0000 2009</created_at>
 <text>At least I can get your humor through tweets. RT @abdur: I don't mean this in a bad way, but genetically speaking your a cul-de-sac.</text>
 <source><a href="">TweetDeck</a></source>
 <geo xmlns:georss="">
 <georss:point>37.78029 -122.39697</georss:point>
 <name>Doug Williams</name>
 <location>San Francisco, CA</location>
 <description>Twitter API Support. Internet, greed, users, dougw and opportunities are my passions.</description>
 <created_at>Sun Mar 18 06:42:26 +0000 2007</created_at>
 <time_zone>Eastern Time (US & Canada)</time_zone>

Usage examples:

cURL (about cURL): curl -u user:password -d "status=playing with cURL and the Twitter API"